There are reasons to be optimistic about Wandsworth Prison. The appalling conditions have been officially acknowledged by the Chief Inspector of Prisons, The previous Governor has resigned and a new Governor is in post. We have a new Prime Minister who understands that prisons are broken, has taken action to avoid prisons running out of space and has appointed a Prisons Minister, James Timpson, with relevant experience and a commitment to rehabilitation.
But when will conditions improve for those living and working in Wandsworth? The policy of early release will help avoid total breakdown of the criminal justice system but it will have minimal impact on overcrowding at Wandsworth where 75% of inmates are awaiting trial or sentencing, are foreign detainees or are on recall.
This article by Wandsworth Prison Improvement Campaign supporter Jack Sheard is a reminder of how bad life is inside Wandsworth. In the article Jack argues that "People are sent to prisons as punishment. They are not sent to prisons to be punished." He catalogues the vermin-invested, unhygienic conditions in Wandsworth and the culture of lawlessness and secrecy, "a combination of disorganisation, disorder and a lack of accountability,"
We hope we will see improvements at Wandsworth soon. You can help keep up the pressure on those with power and influence to make safety and decency at HMP Wandsworth their priority. Here's how:
write to your MP and ask them to raise your concerns with the Minister for Prisons. See Our Guide to writing to your MP
keep following WPIC on X/twitter, our website and sign up on our home page to receive campaign updates
talk to your friends and relatives and call out all the old rubbish about cooked breakfasts and holiday camps. Tell them about the rats and the lack of privacy on the loo.