Help us get the information to find out if Wandsworth Prison is improving.
The Chief Inspector's Urgent Notification revealed the shocking conditions inside Wandsworth Prison. We hope that the Government will now provide extra money and experienced staff to make things better for the prisoners and staff who live and work in the prison. But we need help to get the information to know whether conditions improve and to hold prison leaders, HMPPS, the ministry of Justice and ministers to account.
Are you living in Wandsworth Prison?
You can help us by keeping a diary of what life is like inside Wandsworth Prison. It’s very easy to do. You could use our table (see example further down) and tick how many times:
You get a shower
You get hot food at the door
You go to the library
You have a kit change
You get exercise
There is hot water to the cell
When you see rats or other vermin (write R for rat, M mouse, C cockroaches, or S for silverfish
Whether the WC flush was working (tick yes, x for no)
And we have left empty space in case there is something else you want to report
You can also add notes if you want to: things like not getting the dinner you ordered, the kiosk not working, your pin not working – anything that makes you miserable and makes the experience a bit worse, or else anything that makes things better.
We need your wing letter, and the month you are reporting. If you want to give your name and prison number it would be useful but isn’t essential. We would like a sheet filled in each month if you can, but even if you can only do a week that would be helpful.
You may have to do it by asking friends or family to write the information down for you and send it in. We have no idea what the HMP Wandsworth censor will make of this request: it may be that reports that are posted to us might be stopped. But here's hoping.
Do you know someone living in Wandsworth Prison?
If you know someone living in Wandsworth Prison, you can help us by asking them to keep the diary. If you talk to a prisoner regularly you can ask them the questions and fill in the diary sheet if you can’t get a copy to them to fill in themselves.
Address for post:
Wandsworth Prison Improvement campaign
Suite 282
Hill House
210 Upper Richmond Road
London SW15 6NP
Wandsworth Prison Improvement Campaign | Report Sheet | ||
Name (Optional) | |||
Wing | |||
Month:________ | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3... |
Comment – Anything you want to report for that day | |||
Pests (R=Rats, M=Mice, C=Cockroaches, S=Silverfish) | |||
Time out of cell (minutes) S&D | |||
Exercise | |||
Kit change | |||
Library | |||
Hot food to door | |||
Shower | |||
Something else? |